Poker Slang You
Need To Know

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Even though poker is a very
simple game to play, it is
fair to say that it has a
number of nuances which make
it very unique. In fact, you
be forgiven for thinking
that poker had a language
all of its own, and if you
do not know too much about
poker, you could be left
feeling a bit
bewildered by a lot of the
chat that goes on around the
poker table. Over time, you
will learn and pick up
everything you need to know,
but if you want to give
yourself a helping hand,
here are some of the terms
that may be of use if you
are looking to boost your
poker knowledge.
You will commonly hear
players talking about going
"all-in", and this means
putting all of your chips
into the pot. A player who
has gone all-in is not able
to be forced out of the pot,
but they are only able to
win the amount of the pot
that they are in for. For
any additional bets arising
from this point on, a
side-pot is created.
If you are sitting around
the poker table and hear
someone moaning about
a bad beat, be thankful it
wasn't you. This is a term
cited by a player when they
looked a certainty to win a
hand with the cards they
held, but for some reason
they ended up losing. This
is often the result of
another player managing to
catch cards, or get very
lucky, resulting in a
surprising defeat for the
If you are playing Texas
holdem and you get a big
slick, you are doing
rather well. Big slick is a
title that is given when
an ace and a king with your
initial two cards. Some
players believe that the
starting position when
playing poker isn't that
important, especially when
you have a great starting
hand like ace king. Although
great starting hand is very
important, there is no doubt
that having a good starting
position with a great set of
cards is an even better
position to be in.
If a player decides to
check, it is not because
they want verification about
something, it is down to the
fact that they are declining
to bet when it is their turn
to do so. In poker, some of
the most successful players
are the ones that realize
you don't have to bet every
time. In fact, minimizing
the number of bets you make
can help you to be a winner
in the long run, so there is
no shame in checking when
playing poker. It
can often help keep you in
the game for longer, which
is a lot to do with winning.
You don't want to be a
resident of Tapped City, or
be declaring that you are
all tapped out. If this is
your situation, it is
indicating that you
are broke, which is an
extremely bad position to be
in when you are playing
poker. These are just some
of the terms that will crop
up regularly during poker